

Wednesday, 8 February 2017

End of day 12

Here are the totals for today, day 12.

B:  2 small slices of toast with 20g peanut butter (I said 10g but I could get 20 for my 4p)  Total 6p
L:  2 slices toast and a third of a tin of baked beans.  Total 10p  (no fruit afterwards - didn't need it so kept it for supper)
D:  savoury rice (recipe in a separate post) and then some natural yogurt.  I grabbed three strawberries from the freezer, from last year's garden strawberry crop to have with the yogurt.  So delicious and free.  Total 49p
Supper:  fruit 8p

I had £19.54
I spent 73p
Remaining: £18.81

What's nice about this is now I am almost a day ahead of myself.
Also, it was a carby day but I didn't feel deprived at all, nor did I feel hungry at any point apart from early morning - and I always feel hungry then!

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