

Wednesday, 15 February 2017

End of day 19

This is how today went.
B:  Jack's granola, yogurt   Total 6p
L:  half a can of beans (some for on toast and some rinsed to put in the con carne for dinner instead of using kidney beans.  My daughter had the other half can), 2 slices bread   Total 15p
D:  chilli con carne with rice  Total 29p
Snacks and supper  orange, 2 apples, carrot batons  Total 28p

I had £13.25
I spent 78p
Remaining £12.47

It's funny how, when you are busy, you don't feel hungry.  My daughter came round and I really didn't want to snack or nibble while we were chatting.

I'm nearly half way through and have to start thinking whether I want to continue with this beyond the 30 days.  I think I do but there is food in the freezer that cannot fit into a pound a day so I shall have to consider how I am going to organise it.  Maybe five days on and two days off?  What do you think?

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