

Monday, 10 July 2017

The freezer challenge: day 9

Here I am, back again after a weekend away and raring to go again.
First of all, I have a confession to make.  I did a quick shop for a few essentials  when I got home yesterday and they had YS sliced bread - Hovis wheatgerm so what I would call 'nice' bread - so I got three loaves at 9p each.  I couldn't turn that down, now could I?  So they're in the freezer now!

My meal plans for today:
B:  muesli and fruit
L:  egg salad - I have eggs that do need using up, banana
D:  pulled pork pie, new potatoes, peas.
S:  apple, nectarine

I came back with gifted food but nothing for the freezer!

From the freezer today
pulled pork

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