

Wednesday, 8 November 2017

All change

After browsing through Low Fat No Fat . . .

B:  porridge with sultanas
S:  fruit
L:  smoked salmon pate with melba toast
S:  fruit
D:  poached egg on pikelet with baked beans

The book says that you can use white beans instead of soft cheese to make smoked salmon pate.  I have some smoked salmon that has been in my freezer for longer than I care to admit so HAS to be used (or chucked) and I can cut it into portions while it's still frozen.
I know salmon is an oily fish but it is the 'good' oil that we all need so I am hoping that it won't cause any more pain.
I'll let you know.

From the freezer:
smoked salmon
bread for melba toast

Into the freezer
three individual smaller portions of smoked salmon

The Frugal Factor
no bean waste
using the old smoked salmon rather than chucking it

Edit later:  It was very, very nice indeed.

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