

Monday, 6 November 2017

Not really a recipe: melba crunchies

I think a lot of people like something crunchy with their soup.  I know I do.  Crusty bread, croutons - delicious.

I had a small, home made brioche bun that was going a bit hard.  Not so delicious!

Normally I'd have diced, tossed in oil and baked to a golden crunchiness but, sadly, that is no longer on the cards unless I want to spend the next few hours in extreme discomfort.

So, I did this and it was jolly nice, well worth recording and so, so simple.

I spread a small over tray with parchment.
I sliced down top to bottom, making very thin, small slices (I got 11, including the ends).  This is where a bit stale wins as the bread didn't squash.
I spread those slim little oval slices out on the parchment and baked them for around 20 mins in a coolish oven, turning them once in the middle.  After about 15 mins I checked and did turn the oven up a little bit.
When they were crunchy and just turning golden, they were done.

Simple, isn't it, but very nice.  They didn't sog when I dunked them and they'd be lovely with a pate or a dip or even instead of croutons in a salad.

Edited to add a photo.  Second go, just as nice and crunchy but probably should have had the oven a fraction higher for a more golden colour.

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