

Monday, 18 December 2017

Monday, 18-12-17

Good morning!

Today these are my plans.
B:  muesli, fruit, yogurt
S:  orange
L:  Saturday soup
S:  apple
D:  pork casserole, sprouts; yogurt

From the freezer
The Saturday soup
The pork casserole went into the freezer as leftovers on Saturday but doesn't really count as using up!

The frugal factor
The muesli was a gift
The Saturday soup is what I call the soups I make from fridge leftover veg, slightly wizened and old (veg, not me|), before going shopping to get fresh stuff.  I have no idea of the flavour but it must be OK or I wouldn't have frozen the leftovers.  When I was teaching, it used always to be made on Saturdays, hence the name.
The pork casserole didn't cost me anything!

I'm trying to use up the multitude of stuff in the freezer.
I want to make the most of my hard earned pension so am aiming for sensible frugality in my meal planning and making.
I have gall bladder problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure so am taking myself in hand with low fat, high fruit and veg, generally healthy meals but with plenty of flavour.
Fingers crossed!

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