

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Saturday, 30-12-17

Good morning.  Nearly the end of this year and the start of the next.  Are you holding a party or going to one tomorrow?  I'm afraid I can't cope with the noise and the late night and tend to shut up shop and go to bed at my usual early time.

My frugal plans for today are:
B:  porridge with fruit salad and yogurt
S:  orange
L:  ham and lentil soup
S:  apple
D:  kedgeree, maybe a side salad

From the freezer
the soup which is the one I made last week and didn't have
the fish for the kedgeree
if I load up the kedgeree with extra veg, which I may well do, I have peas, corn and leek in the freezer too

I also want to make a good pot of what we in my family call turkey hotpot.  It isn't a classic hotpot, just a veg and turkey stew, but it's ever so nice.  Some for tomorrow and some to go back in the freezer.

The frugal factor
oats for the porridge
the fruit salad is leftover from Christmas and needs to go today
the stock for the ham and lentil soup is from boiling up the Christmas ham and lentils are always a frugal choice
I have the smoked haddock for the kedgeree in the freezer, ditto a bit of smoked salmon if I choose to use some - this dish won't be cheap but it won't involve buying anything special in

I'm trying to use up the multitude of stuff in the freezer.
I want to make the most of my hard earned pension so am aiming for sensible frugality in my meal planning and making.
I have gall bladder problems, high cholesterol and high blood pressure so am taking myself in hand with low fat, high fruit and veg, generally healthy meals but with plenty of flavour.
Fingers crossed!


  1. The way I feel I will be going to bed this afternoon and not getting up until New year's Day!

  2. Have you got that nasty bug that's going the rounds? :-(
    J x
