

Sunday, 7 January 2018

Sunday, 7-1-18

Morning, everyone.  A bit chilly, isn't it?  I think it calls for a nice, home made soup for lunch.

B:  porridge, fruit and yogurt
L:  leek and potato soup
D:  chicken and mushroom in a creamy sauce, mash, sprouts.  I'm cooking for three and I won't have much of the sauce because it will contain cream rather than low fat soft cheese - it would be too ouchy.  Then maybe a yogurt.
Ss:  apple, orange

Nothing from my freezer today

The frugal factor
Not paid for by me again!
However, if it was . . .
porridge is frugal, warming and filling
home made soup is ditto
the evening meal is a little more expensive but nothing too bad, especially as one, largish chicken breast will be shared between three.
The sprouts are still those bought before Christmas so they're doing very well, regardless of who paid for them!


  1. Your dinner sounds delicious.
    You must get up early as I read today's post in the throws of jetlag. I had walked the dog, done laundry and dishwashing, and eaten 3 breakfasts by 8am! And had Jack Monroe's onion soup simmering away though I didn't have it for lunch - no need after all that breakfast! I did pop to the shop around 3pm and i have to confess to a YS haul - watercress for the soup in the Gill Holcombe book (i go through soup-making phases to increase the boys veg intake, and help fill them up so they don't snack on rubbish before we eat our main meal), some smoked salmon (77p - another meal for the boys, though it's in the freezer for now) a pack of leek and potato soup mix (sheer laziness), and a fancy chocolate cake for just over £1 which will have candles for the birthday boy tomorrow (i won't want to bake a birthday cake after work), so all frugal for the future. I have a way to go with frugal discipline!

  2. I do wake early, always have. The flip side is that I'm shattered by 20:00!
    Well done for all the YS treasures. They can make such a difference, can't they?
    J x
