

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Tuesday, 23-01-18

Today is a day to rejoice my heart.  It's the day my teacher's pension arrived in my bank account.  I don't start using it until February so it's strictly off limits at the moment but it's there!  It's my main source of income now so three cheers!

The fish pie was quite nice.  I did get some prawns so it was more lavish that it could have been but they did make a difference so no regrets!  I made the sauce (a few problems here which I will mention is a separate post and the topping was half and half mashed potato and sweet potato which worked very well.  The topping looks burnt but that's the light - it was just well browned.

I rootled in the garden potato bags and pulled out some more.  I don't think there are many left in the soil now but there may be a few and they can wait in the dark as it seems to be good for them!  They have a great flavour and I will definitely do this again this year.  More bags of them too!

Today's plans:
B:  muesli with fruit and natural yogurt
L:  soup - I might make tomato and lentil; as I have lots of home made passata in the freezer
D:  Beth is coming for our weekly meal together and I'm doing a vegetable lasagne.  Last week I found a small oven proof dish in Sainsbury's, perfect for two and high sided enough to make a lasagne with more than one layer (most small dishes aren't) and I promised her we would road test it this week.  I will use sheets of lasagne rather than thin sliced courgette or whatever and make a proper cheese sauce with some strong cheddar that I got on special for Christmas and never used. I'll just not have a lot of it! 
Thank goodness cheese lasts for ages although I really ought to grate the rest and pop it in the freezer now.
With it I will probably have a watercress based salad and maybe use the last of a white cabbage to make some coleslaw or the tiny little potatoes to make a potato salad.
Ss:  apple and orange

I'm also baking a couple of loaves for Beth to take home when she leaves.

From the freezer:
The fruit for the muesli
Passata for the soup
Mixed veg, peppers, pulses and passata for the lasagne

The frugal factor:
The muesli is a gift.
The passata for the soup was made with last year's garden produce.  It was a great year for tomatoes and I froze loads.  Or I might use the last of the Super Six tomatoes I got from Aldi.
It's a no meat lasagne which brings down the cost straight away.  The cheese was bought on special and was really excellent value. 

I succumbed to temptation yesterday.  I always take a look at the YS stuff and they had some Heck chicken chipolatas at half price so I got two packs (I did leave plenty for others).  They are now frozen in twos (at 25p for two) for convenience.
I know they're not the tastiest of sausages but spiced up with a nice sauce or cut up for a casserole or similar they will be fine and they are low fat which matters right now.
So I have added to my freezer supplies  (prawns and sausages) but I know they will be used and they are now on the list so won't be forgotten

(sorry about the long post - there seemed to be a lot to mention today).


  1. Replies
    1. It always arrives on the 23rd (or earlier if it hits a weekend) but I always check it's there! LIke all of us on pensions, we worked hard for it, after all! :-)
      J x

  2. That's it. I am off to make some tomato and lentil soup for lunch, I have been humming and hahing all morning over what to have. I have had some of those sausages(Y S of course)and they are fine in a spicy sauce.

    1. That's good to know, thanks. Enjoy your soup. I've just made mine and because I added lentils, it's made loads. No complaints here!
      J x

  3. It's always a nice surprise when Alan's pension arrives in the bank account.

    1. Cheers us up no end, doesn't it? :-)
      J x
