

Friday, 16 February 2018


In preparation for this shrinking diet < spit > I've been shopping and spent what feels like a fortune in comparison to the last several months but never mind, I actually have cash left over from holiday so I've used that.

This is what I always do when I have these challenges.  I Get Ready!

So far I have added to the freezer:
several 45g pots of chopped tomatoes
five 100g portions of beef mince
two 100g portions of salmon (fortunately, the piece I bought was 200g so it's now in two)
several 45g pots of mirepoix - chopped onion, carrot and celery, the starter for all my soups and most of my casseroles

So I'm adding to the freezer at the moment, not taking from it.


  1. Good prep makes life in the kitchen so much easier doesn't it 😊

    1. It most certainly does. I'd hate to be without my little post of this, that or the other in single portions. I do love cooking but, for me, being prepared is a big part of the fun.
      J x
