

Thursday, 8 February 2018

Thursday, 08-02-18

Good morning.  It's jolly cold out there and I've adapted my plan to match.

I intend to have . . .
B:  porridge, fruit and natural yogurt
L:  carrot and lentil soup, toast for dipping
D:  home made fish fingers, slimming world chips, side salad; banana ice cream
Ss:  apple, orange (I always plan these in but often only have one of them, mid afternoon, when  I know dinner will be later)

From the freezer
Fruit for the porridge
Bread for the toast and for the breadcrumbs
Fish for the fingers and bananas for the ice cream - yesterday I bought some YS bananas that were great value and then all went into the freezer, chopped.  I have to admit, I was thinking specifically of banana ice cream.

The frugal factor
Oats are so cheap, I can splash out a bit of fruit and still feel frugal
I have carrots to use up so soup will fit the bill nicely.
The fish is pollock so great value and the salad stuff has to be used up today or tomorrow.
The bananas were so, so cheap and almost totally sound.  Less than 8p each!
I know some people throw away the loaf ends.  I never do.  Apart from the fact that I like them (nice and chewy), they make great breadcrumbs .
I was in town yesterday and wandered into a 'health food' shop which isn't terribly expensive, surprisingly.  They had bags of lentils on BOGOF so I did as it worked out much better value than buying two in Morrisons.


  1. Bananas really are the cheapest fruit at the moment aren't they ... it's a shame the option to buy them will vanish for us from next week ;-)

    1. How long are you doing it for, Sue? I agree, it's a shame, but there will be benefits too.
      J x

    2. We doing it for at least a month.

    3. That's a fair old time, isn't it?
      J x
