

Sunday, 1 April 2018

Sunday, 01-04-18

Happy Easter Sunday to everyone.

I have no chocolate eggs - I couldn't have them anyway but even if I could, I wouldn't.  They are shockingly expensive for what you get and a nice box of Thornton's choccies (reduced to £7) made my parents very happy while grandson received a boost to his student cash that made him smile.

Today's plans
B:  muesli and yogurt
L:  not totally sure, maybe boiled eggs and carrot batons
D:  pasta bolognaise
Ss:  apples

From the freezer
The cooked mince for the bol.

The frugal factor
A nice, frugal day today with nothing too costly.  It should be well in the £2 target.

Have a lovely day, everyone, whatever your plans are.


  1. Afternoon Joy

    Agree with you about the cost of Easter eggs. Just too much money for the amount of chocolate. But that's looking at it as an adult and not a child.

    Your menu for today looks good. The pasta bolognaise should be warming for you tonight. It's a tad on the chilly side here, so having warming food and hot drinks. Roll on spring.

    Enjoy your afternoon.


    1. Hi, Carol. Yes, it's an adult perspective but I've done my bit in perpetuating the human race a long time ago! :-)
      It's cold here too and it's supposed to rain hard tomorrow. No snow in this part of the country (I sincerely hope) but warming stuff will go down a treat! Thanks for the lovely comment.
      J x

  2. We don't celebrate Easter but love candy -- however this year, we vowed not to buy any. We probably saved about $40 doing this and I'll do well not to ingest the calories too! We may have pasta for dinner too....

    1. A bit of sugar is oK, I think, and chocolate is certainly nice, but Easter eggs are a bit of a con really. Enjoy your pasta - mine's just cooking!
      J x
