

Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Wednesday, 25-04-18


It's on to a new regime now, one I have to work out myself.  I can have fruit for breakfast, carbs for lunch, extra veg . . . woo hoo!
I'm going easy for the first week or so.  I have been advised to keep on with the diet with added veg (to prevent constipation, which may be a problem at first, or perhaps the other too) while things heal and then slowly re-introduce other stuff; but swapping the food groups around is fine.

So - as a rough guide, today's food
B:  porridge and yogurt (because I want to, not because I have to)
L:  maybe beans or scrambled egg on toast - one egg, one slice of toast and no butter, not yet.
D:  gardener's pie - like cottage pie but with pulses and veg, runner beans; fruit yogurt
Ss:  apple and orange
. . . but it might change, depending on how things go.

From the freezer
The bread for toast
The pulses for the pie
Runner beans

The frugal factor
Pretty good today, bow I don't have to fuss about two portions of protein at lunchtime.  Pulses are great value anyway and I already have the veg I will use, none of which were costly - onion, but of mushroom, wonky peppers, sweet potato, carrots and anything else I can scrape off the bottom of the freezer.

And I will work out some provisional plans for the rest of the week.  I'm not stopping that; it's way too useful. 


  1. Morning Joy, I look forward to seeing your new improved food plans!

    1. :-) Fingers crossed they are improved!
      J x

  2. It all looks very healthy and extremely similar to the Weight Watchers brief. You have done so well with your diet.

    1. I really want to carry on and will do, once this has all settled. Thanks, Tania.
      J x
