

Friday, 4 May 2018

Five Frugal Fings

Hi!  With me being a bit out of action over the last fortnight, frugality has slowed down just a bit but there are a few things . . .

1.  After being reminded of Approved Foods on Cass' Frugal Family site, I popped over there to take a look.  I rarely find much there as most of it is processed food of one kind or another with loads of crisps, sweets, etc.  However, this time they had Hovis granary flour.  I love this but you never find it in the shops nowadays.  I like to make bread half and half wholemeal and granary.  It makes an absolutely delicious loaf.  I ordered loads and they are now in the freezer to prevent deterioration.  I had to order a few more bits and bobs to meet the minimum cost but nothing that wasn't frugal or wasn't what I already use.  Really pleased about that.

2.  Since I stopped the liver shrinking diet, I have been making good inroads into old stuff in the freezer again.  Thank goodness for freezers is what I say!  It may be old food but it's certainly not bad in any way whatsoever.  Properly wrapped, it lasts and lasts.  Such a useful tool for frugality.

3. I joined the gym.  Yes, I know that's expensive but if it keeps me going, improves my fitness, tones me up, lowers my blood pressure and contributes towards more weight loss, then it is a very good and purposeful way to use some of my savings - the 'making the best use of what I have' bit of being frugal and also an investment into my future health and well being.  I joined a gym that has a lovely swimming pool which I know I will use and it comes with free parking too.
And the nice thing is - the more I use it, the cheaper each session is.

4. Now I can eat more widely again, I've had fun searching the Internet for new ideas/recipes.  I found a nice page on the BBC Good Food site here.
There's a number of recipe I rather fancy trying out and I can see how I can frugalise them somewhat as well as celebrity chef's ideas of 'cheap' and 'frugal' differ somewhat from mine!

5.  Now that the weather has brightened up again, it's back to drying the clothes outside.  I love that, it reminds me every time that I am now at home to do this and to count my blessings and be grateful.  It makes ironing easier too so saving time.

What are your frugally fings this week?


  1. Thanks for that link, Joy, I've bookmarked it. Yes, celebrity chefs do sometimes live in cloud cuckoo land when it comes to their version of 'budget' don't they? I hate it when a celeb chef takes something that has always been cheap (pork belly, eg) and makes a big feature of it, and suddenly the price of it shoots up in the shops as it's now 'fashionable'. Grr.

    1. Yes, it is infuriating! Glad you like the link.
      J x

  2. I call that "the Delia affect" every thing that she mentioned in a program would sell out in 24 hours. I saw Pork Belly slices in a shop last week that were much more expensive per kilo than joints of Pork.They usedto be about the cheapest meat in the butchers.

    1. She was the first to really have that effect. It worked on me - remember cranberries? So much influence!
