

Thursday, 10 May 2018

Thursday, 10-05-18

Good morning!

My plans:
B:  porridge with pineapple and yogurt
L:  boiled egg and toast fingers
D:  we're having a family meal together at mine.  I've made bolognaise and veggie bolognaise, chicken, chorizo and rice one-pot and will cook some pasta, make some garlic bread and knock together a simple salad.  Beth's bringing a birthday cake as four of us have recently or will soon have birthdays and I'm providing fruit platter.  No alcohol as most folk will be driving but I have home made rhubarb and St Clements cordials, some fruit juice and we will have water a-plenty!

From the freezer:
The bread for the toast
I had packs of pork and beef mince in the freezer so used them for the bolognaise.
I dug out several one portion packs of veggie bolognaise and will thaw and thoroughly reheat them
I'm using some thawed part baked baguettes to make the garlic bread.

The frugal facter
No!  Just no!  Not today.
I made loads of bolognaise so there will be some to refreeze in single portions.  This is perfectly safe as it's been well cooked after thawing.   Any leftovers Beth will be able to take with her.  Any leftovers from the rice/chicken/chorizo thingy will be used over the next few days.

I don't think I shall show a weight loss tomorrow!   :-)


  1. All sounds really nice. Weight losses aren't obligatory when a celebration is involved ;-) Anyway, you might still surprise yourself tomorrow, who knows!

    1. WHo knows . . . but I won't be surprised. It's going to be a lovely day. I don't mind a bit of busy and I do like to be organised!
      J x
