

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Sunday, 08-07-18

Good morning.  :-)

Phew, it was such a hot day yesterday.  It really puts one off the thought of food.  It's the minimal approach today.

B:  overnight oats with blueberries and natural yogurt
L:  crustless quiche with salad
D:  more crustless quiche with salad and, maybe, a small potato; fruit
S:  apples x 2
I'm also going swimming this morning.

Nothing from the freezer today apart from ice cubes!

It's pretty frugal because the blueberries have just been picked from the garden, the yogurt is home made, the quiche will be vegetarian and contain bits and bobs that need using up and the potato was dug up from the allotment yesterday.
It is a simple plan but tasty!

Stay cool!

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