

Monday, 20 August 2018

Monday, 20-08-18

Good morning.
Back on the wagon today with plenty of home grown veg to help me along which is nice.  Yesterday's spicy tomato sauce was indeed spicy but very delicious.  I shall do it again but maybe use a little less chilli.  I've nearly used up the home grown ones I froze a couple of years ago so maybe, next year, I should get another plant.

Today's plans:
B:  overnight oats, fruit and natural yogurt
The fruit includes three autumn raspberries, the first of the season and I'll have some pear halves that seem to have survived my few days away quite nicely!

L:  fish finger salad pitta with a side salad
I came home loaded with lettuce, cucumber and red pepper from Mum and Dad and have thousands of tomatoes (OK, maybe a little fewer) so this will be a remarkably frugal (and healthy) lunch.

D:  chicken curry, runner beans and rice
The curry and rice are from the freezer while the runners are, as always, from the garden.  A tasty and healthy dinner (I hope)

Ss:  apple and tomatoes

I'm really reaping the benefits of the hard work in garden and allotment earlier this year.  Every meal today includes something and I must start freezing some as there's more than I can use fresh.

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