

Sunday, 2 December 2018

Sunday, 02-12-18

Good morning!

Well, yesterday went well - the December Determination lasted one day at least which is better than it could have been with a larder full of goodies!
The tomato and lentil soup went down well with everyone.  I'd expected to have a portion left for today but by the time seconds had been ladled out, there was none left.  The lentils make it very substantial too;  I was stuffed!

Today's plans:
fresh fruit with natural yogurt
My parents always have a nice selection of fresh fruit on offer and I brought my own yogurt with me as I always do.
SW:  free

L:  beans on toast
Because . . . no soup left over.  :-)
SW:  the bread will be my healthy extra B

D:  slow cooked lamb*, roasties, parsnips, broad beans; fruit salad
SW:  free, amazing as it sounds!

Ss:  fruit, maybe a fruit yogurt (one syn), milk (healthy extra A)

*Purists will shudder but we love this and Dad asks for it regularly.
I use two lamb leg steaks for three of us and the ones from their local butcher are large.  Sometimes they are in a minty dressing and sometimes not.
I put a some splashes of water and a lamb stock cube in a roasting dish and add the steaks.  I cover the dish with foil and place in a low-ish oven (gas 4, 170C) and cook it for at least an hour, usually longer.
The result is melt in the mouth lamb steaks and a stock that makes a great gravy.


  1. Good morning. Your slow cooked lamb steaks sound good! Do you crumble the stock cube into the water? I will have a go. X

    1. Yes, I do, and giver it a mix, bit it's npot a problem id it doesn't all dissolve - it will as it heats up.

  2. Sounds delicious! As expected, a very indulgent couple of days BUT visiting daughter went back home a day early as "had a better offer" (as youngsters do!) so can get back to plan a day early, as well! Every cloud!

    1. Absolutely. If we could see all disappointments in that way, we'd be all the happier, I think.
      It sounds like something Kipling should have written in that great poem, 'If', but he didn't (I think he didn't anyway).
