

Wednesday, 5 December 2018

Wednesday, 05-12-18

Good morning.
Another good day yesterday - I really only have difficulties when I am up at my parents' so I'm pleased I can stay on track most of the time.
Today, I'm keeping it simple as there's quite a lot on.  I've learnt that the worst thing for me is to leave things until the last moment as that's when I just go a bit bonkers with anything that comes to hand really.

So today's simple plans are:
B:  boiled eggs and toast
A favourite breakfast, not expensive at all and very satisfying.
SW:  the toast is my healthy extra B

L:  bean and veg soup
I always love this one.  I boil up a selection of veg in stock and seasonings until they are all soft, scoop some of the veg out, zizz the rest, pop the rest of the veg back in and add some cooked pulses.  It's ever so easy and tasty too.  And filling!  I will make a big potful and it will do me tomorrow for my main meal after Slimming World group with a bit of added bacon, maybe.
And some of the veg and all the pulses will be from the freezer!
SW:  free

D:  salmon, sprouts, peas; banana and custard
I just really fancy salmon this evening and have some in the freezer.  I simply wrap it in foil and bake it for fifteen to twenty minutes, that's all.  Dead easy.
I said I was keeping it simple today!
SW:  one and a half syns and my healthy extra A for the custard

Ss:  fruit, Mullerlight (one syn)