

Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Instant Pot yogurt - extra comment

I tried it overnight and made double the amount I could make in my yogurt maker.
Two litres of semi skimmed with a good dollop of the last making.
I started it off at ten p.m. and it was finished at six this morning.  A half hour strain later, which, due to the size of my strainer, had to be done in batches, and I now have a batch of delicious, semi-thick, creamy natural yogurt to last me the rest of the week, over the weekend and into next week.
I had enough to store it in my large kilner jar (plus another pot) which makes me feel very 'foodie'.

I'm really glad I got my IP!


  1. I'm fascinated by your Instant Pot.
    I have tried several slow cookers in the past but, apart from ham joints, we have been underwhelmed by the results. Everything, regardless of what it was ended up tasting very similar.
    Have you any thoughts, tips because I really like the concept. Sue

    1. The IP isn't just a slow cooker, it is also a pressure cooker and everything I've done so far has been with that function rather than the slow cooker. It's partly about the seasonings you use, I guess. The mushroom risotto was very flavoursome and the SW friendly egg custard was great.
      Regarding using the slow cooker, the IP has a saute function and that always adds flavour to whatever meat you are using, to saute it first. It makes it easier not having to use a separate pan.

      I'll keep posting whenever I use it - I'm still in the very early stages.

  2. I might have to put one on my wish list and save up for it....
