

Friday, 15 February 2019

Recipe: smoked salmon pate (or dip)

Our group leader, Jennifer, brought this with her to the Free Food February taster evening, complete with recipe.  I am not sure where the original recipe came from but if I find out, I will amend.

I've just made it, ready for lunch, as I like to give these things a chance to 'mature or 'settle' a bit - I reckon the flavour is better.

The amounts are a bit vague.  I added as much cottage cheese as looked right for one and then added the other ingredients to taste.

fat free plain cottage cheese
smoked salmon (trimmings are fine)
lemon juice (from a bottle, no need for fresh)
dill (I used dried)

I added a few extras, (as I do)
black pepper
a very little salt (be really careful)
a smidgeon of garlic puree

Bung it all into a mini blender or a stick blender beaker.
Zizz until it's the texture you want.  I like it pretty smooth.   Then taste and add as you like.  I added a bit more salmon but the rest was about right for me.

Pour into a ramelin or serving bowl and serve with dippy things.


  1. I make similar using mackerel and it's yum.

    1. These strong fish make a delicious pate, I think.
