

Sunday, 26 May 2019

Recipe: spicy chicken rice one pot

Ingredients to make a large portion for one or a smaller portions for two
1 small onion, peeled and chopped
a couple of spring onions, prepped and cut into little bits
about two inches of carrot, peeled and chopped
a quarter of a red pepper, deseeded and chopped
4 or 5 button mushrooms, halved or quartered
one chicken breast, cut into bite sized chunks
spray oil
garlic puree
a can of chopped tomatoes
a couple of bay leaves
couple of sprigs of thyme
some oregano, chopped
(or add dried herbs of your own choice)
white wine stock pot (or use a chicken one instead)
a pinch of red chilli flakes
black pepper
some peas, sweetcorn and edemame beans (all from freezer)
some tomato puree
a sprinkle of salt to taste

half a pack of microwaveable rice - I used wholegrain and freekeh

Heat some spray oil in a largish pot
Add the onion, spring onion and carrot, turn down the heat and let them gently fry intil starting to soften.
Add the peppers and continue for a few minutes.
Turn up the heat, add the chicken and a few more spray of oil and fry, stirring, until the chicken has changed colour.
Add a squidge of garlic puree, some pepper, the herbs, the chilli flakes, the chopped tomatoes, the stock pot and the peas, corn and edamame beans with about half a can of water, bring to a simmer, cover and let it gently bubble away for around 20 minutes, then turn up the heat, take the lid off and let it bubble more to evaporate some of the liquid. stirring now and again as needed.
Taste and add a bit of salt, if needed.  I find stock pots are salty enough.
Add the tomato puree to own taste, add the rice and stir well.  If there's still too much liquid, just let it continue to simmer until it's about right.

Serve piping hot with a dollop of yogurt if you want.  Delicious!

SW info.  Using 'ordinary' rice (white or wholegrain) this is free.  I have no idea about the wholegrain and freekeh mix as it's not on the SW datebase, unfortunately, but it can't be horrendous.


  1. That is right up my street, love those flavours.

    1. Me too - they all go so well together! It was very filling as well.
