

Saturday, 15 June 2019

Saturday, 15-06-19

Good morning!

Today's plans are:
B:  yogurt and fruit
Perfect for a bright sunny morning!
SW:  free

L:  no idea as we will visiting some relatives, but I'm hoping it is just a sandwich or two.  They have been warned!

D:  Ribs with rice and, probably peas; fresh fruit salad
The ribs are from Aldi and I saw them and thought 'Dad'll like those'.  I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how many syns they are as they don't seem to appear on the SW list, so tough!

Ss:  water

E:  a walk

So not a particularly organised SW day with too many variables for comfort but I will do my best to control amounts and have accepted that when I stay with Dad, things go a bit to pot.

And, of course, given that he's paying for everything, it's the ultimate in frugality!

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