

Friday, 3 January 2020

Friday, 03-02-20

Good morning.

The day before yesterday, I made a wholemeal loaf, the first bread I have made for a while.  I used to make all my own bread as it's so easy and so frugal but stopped when I started SW as it was a bit complicated to work out amounts, etc.
However, I have decided that's a bit silly.  I make small loaves, living alone as I do, and there's precious little difference between a slice of my own bread and a slice of shop bought bread while the flavour and the cost - well, no comparison.
I went a bit pretentious and did the second rising in a proving basket before turning it out to bake so on the outside it looks like a posh sourdough but isn't!

It proved very popular with Beth who wolfed about half of it with her soup at lunchtime but the other half (what you see above) I sliced yesterday - second day bread is easier to slice - using the thin setting on my non-electric slicer  and ended up with about three day's worth of bread.  I weighed the biggest slice and it was 28g so two is easily perfect for a healthy extra B.

It's now in the freezer, each slices separated with interleaving.

I didn't have breakfast until around eleven so it was an eight hour window which is as small as I'm ever going to manage.

Yesterday's food plans worked well and I have coloured in two little shapes on my chart to show I have been 100% on plan. 
I didn't tell you about that, did I?
I found this on Facebook.  The idea is you print it out and colour in one shape for each day (they are all numbered).  I'm doing two - one when I exercise and one when I stay 100% on plan.  Childish, I know, but if it helps . . .

Today I am off to Dad's this afternoon so please cross your fingers for me.  Thanks.
B:  I'm going to try to hold off until lunchtime and just have the mini yogurt drink (two syns) earlier.

L:  turkey meat spread, toast, side salad
I've made the spread by zizzing, in my mini blender, turkey with quark or another soft cheese, with a bit of mayo (good flavour), some mustard powder, some lemon or lime juice and whatever seasonings I fancy really - this time it's black pepper, garlic granules and some cajun spice.  It works well. 
SW:   one heB for the toast.  One syn for two level tbsps of lightest mayo and two syns for two level tbsps of Philly lightest.

D:  we're eating out at the Millstream.  No wine, this month being a dry January, so I should be OK but it won't work with SW, even if I choose the salad which I probably will as a) it's a lighter options and b) I really like it

Not a non meat day but lunch is based on leftovers, nice and frugal, while the evening meal Dad always pays for (there are good reasons, I'm not just scrounging).
I can't work out syns and healthy extras for today but the eating window should be OK as we always book for half six and don't hang around afterwards.

What are your food plans today?


  1. I don't think the colouring chart is childish ... I'm interested in doing it myself?

    Does your bread making work out cheaper than shop bought? Ced always used to make ours and I much preferred the taste, but the bread maker broke and I have never replaced it. How do you get such even and thin slices?

    1. I think it does, unless you can get YS bread. I use Aldi wholemeal mostly and loose yeast (Dove, I think, rather than sachets). I sort of cheat by using my thermomix for the kneading but the rest is done 'by hand'. If you have a food processor, you can knead using the metal blades.
      I have a little slicer gadget which is so simple and really brilliant. I'll see if I can find a link and do a separate post.

    2. Found it and done one! :-)

    3. Thank you. I'll have a think about making my own again.

  2. Bread is my kryptonite, I can't stop once I start. Seriously I'd be double my weight if I baked my own. Yours looks lovely.

  3. I love the colour in 'calendar'. I have to find one and print, Bread is a real danger area for me....along with cheese, crackers, chocolate............(Holds head in hands)!!!

    1. I thinknif you click on it to get it up in a new page and then right click, you can copy. Then paste it into Word to print. That's using a PC/laptop; I don't know how to do it on a smart phone.

  4. I think your chart is a great idea - very motivating. I make my own bread (in the bread machine), not because it is cheaper but because I know what's in it and can freeze it once it's sliced.

    1. Slicing and freezing not only gets it out of temptation's way, it also stops any going stale.
