

Monday, 5 October 2020

Monday, 05-10-20


No photos again but I am hoping that I can get a few shots of the meals I will be enjoying this week.  I was thinking back and, apart from a few stays in Premier Inns, all my holidays, going way back, have been self-catering holidays so to be in a posh place eating what I anticipate will be nice, posh-ish meals is something to look forward to.  With the amount I am paying, if I can't take a few photos it's a sad thing.  
No, they truly won't be SW.  I've had a look at the menus online (which may or may not still be valid as they are 'spring and summer' menus and it all looks delicious.

Today's plans

B:  nothing because . . .

L:  I'm having an early lunch before setting out - probably a cold meat sandwich and some salady nibbly bits.

D:  goodness only knows but I will be hungry!!

Body Magic:  well, I am hoping that once I've arrived and settled in, there will be time to start exploring the grounds a bit - weather permitting.  There's also a pool and a gym but I'm not sure what the 'rules' are regarding usage.  Something I will find out asap.

Summary:  no summary for a few days but once I'm home I will be back on the Plan with a vengeance.  I don't want to show too big a gain in a week and a half.


  1. Have a lovely time Joy and thoroughly enjoy those lovely meals. It will do you the world of good and you will come back all refreshed and motivated.

    1. Thanks, Cherie, It's going to be lovely, I am sure. I think I might, as I enjoy the meals, see if I can pick up any new ideas or things I can adapt to work with a more controlled food plan. :-)
