

Sunday, 17 January 2021

Sunday 17-01-21

 Good morning!
Things are going so well at the moment that I'm almost afraid to jinx it by saying so.  The strategy of having a lighter breakfast (sometimes) and two 'hot dinners' is satisfying and the late afternoon nibblies have gone into hibernation (for now anyway).  I had a very encouraging sneaky peek at the scales this morning (I know - naughty, bad, smack hand) and now it's fingers crossed the same thing doesn't happen this coming week as last week when it inexplicably shot up just in time for weigh day!

Yesterday's photos:

The simplest things are often the best.  I so enjoyed this breakfast!
Rather a bits and bobs lunch but very nice and cheerfully colourful as well.  Leftover cheesy chicken and leek pasta, two sprouts and some broccoli, plus the tomatoes and some corn on the cob from Dad's garden  that I've had for quite a while but couldn't eat because of my front teeth - or lack of them.  You need good front teeth to eat corn on the cob!
There's three more in the freezer - yay!
Chicken and veg curry for dinner.  I have three other portions, one for tomorrow and two for the freezer.  I also made some yogurt ice which was lovely after the heat of the curry.

Today's plans:

B:  Fruit and yogurt
SW: free

L:  baked haddock, chips, peas and sweetcorn; fruit
I'll look up a way of baking the haddock in something tasty.  The chips will be SW friendly and actifried.
Beth (my bubble buddy) is round for lunch which is lovely.
SW:  two syns for a tsp oil for the chips.  The rest is free unless I do something naughty with the haddock!

D: curry, rice, pitta; yogurt
Leftover curry and rice.  I might cook some veg too although the curry is packed with veg already.
I may or may not have the pitta - we'll have to see.
SW:  one syn for the curry (oil when cooking it) and one for the rice, one for a bit of mango chutney and half for dessert

Body Magic:  nothing planned today

half a healthy extra A for milk in cuppas
one healthy extra B for the pitta bread
five and a half syns


  1. Tony and I love a good curry. Since I started adding more veggies to my curries and reducing the amount of rice I like to think I reduced the calories too. Every little helps.

    1. I think that's a great way to go. Apart from the goodness, veggies add an extra laver of flavour, don't they.
      (and it's good for your bowels too!!!) ;-)

  2. Love the new header picture, Joy! I don't eat breakfast at breakfast time and have found that that instead of taking my overnight grape nuts to work for brunch, if I take soup and then eat the grape nuts when I get home, I manage better.

    1. Thanks, Eloise. One of the nice things about taking meal photos is that you've always got material for a new header banner!
      Interesting point about breakfasts, etc. It's important to know ourselves and adapt things to suit us, I really believe.
