

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Saturday, 22-05-21

 Good morning.
Meals were all higgledy piggledy yesterday, what with packing, sorting food out, etc, and I have no photos.  Today might be better so let's move straight on to . . .

Today's plans:
B:  bacon roll
Very simple.  Most of the stuff is now packed so I won't bother with mushrooms and tomatoes.  I don't want a heavy meal before a drive home so a bacon roll will do perfectly.
SW:  one healthy extra B

L:  I'm not so sure but I do have bits and bobs left over in the veg line so I might make soup.  Lentil and sweet potato, perhaps.
SW:  if I make soup, it will probably be speed and free

D:  steak, chips, salad; yogurt
I bought a steak from the Southwold butcher yesterday, intending to have it for dinner but didn't so that sorts tonight out.  I have missed my actifry chips so I'll enjoy this meal.
SW:  if I use a tsp oil in the actifry, that will be two syns and the yogurt will be half a syn.  Also, maybe, onion chutney will be three or so syns.
Note to self - make some more onion chutney

Body Magic:  this may have been a disastrous week for healthy eating but the exercise has been great.  Sand walking takes much more effort and is extremely satisfying exercise.  Today?  Probably up and down stairs unpacking and tidying away although, maybe, I will take a short walk this afternoon.

no healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
around six syns

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