

Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Tuesday, 23-11-21

Good morning.
Well, I used up the accidental chicken mince yesterday, half for the meatballs you see below and half to make a tomatoey, vegetabally mixture to top with mash.
I just spray fried some onion, added the mince to brown, added some other veg, added some home made passata and seasonings and just let it all simmer.  With all the additions, it has made quite a lot, so I'll probably use my bigger dish, make more mash and it can do two meals, dinner today and lunch tomorrow.  That'll save some time, won't it.

Since last Christmas, I have had a pot of turkey in stock and two smaller pots of turkey stock that were saved for a specific reason.  The latter was to provide a good base for this year's Christmas gravy and the stock and meat were because I intended making Dad some of his favourite turkey hotpot (what we call it - it's really a very chunky soup) in the summer, as I have done for years now.
However, as Dad passed away in June, the meat and stock never saw the light of day so I bit the bullet and got it out, thawed it and, yesterday, made the soup.  Three portions so two are now back in the freezer and I intend to have them over the next few weeks.  Made with Christmas leftovers as they are, they will work with the Advent challenge, won't they?

Yesterday's meals:

A nice, simple breakfast that filled me up nicely.
I do so love these toasties.  Just cheese and some spicy red onion chutney and it was lovely!
I had a banana for afters.
And then, for dinner, chicken meatballs with konjac noodles and the last of yesterday's leftover veg.
I had just a few breadcrumbs left over from making the Christmas pudding so added them to the meatball mix for one syn.
The day's eating window finished with a yogurt.

Today's plans:

B:  egg on toast, mushrooms on the side
One slice of toast and I don't know how I will cook the egg yet.
SW:  half a healthy extra B

L:  turkey and veg soup; fruit
The turkey and stock as described above with lots of delicious veg.  Mostly free veg rather than speed veg but that's OK.   I made this yesterday so it should taste great today
SW:  free/speed, no syns

D:  cottage pie with cheesy potato topping, vegetables; yogurt.
Is that what you call it when it's chicken mince?  Anyway, whatever the name, this will use the rest of the accidentally thawed chicken mince.  As described above, I've already made the base as it needed using asap and will make the topping later - mash with an egg yolk beaten in (left over from the meatballs yesterday - lovely and makes up for no butter) and some grated cheddar.
I nearly always say 'vegetables' because I don't decide which veg until later but I do aim for most of them to be speed veg.
Sometimes I think I ought to play 'lucky dip' with the freezer more often - it's resulted in two delicious meals.
SW:  one healthy extra A for the cheese and half a syn for the yogurt

E:  Some work in the garden today (weather permitting)

one healthy extra A (as I'm having half the pie today and half tomorrow)
half a healthy extra B
half a syn - wow!

From the freezer:
turkey in stock
chicken mince
passata (last of the garden passata)
mixed veg 

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