

Monday, 10 January 2022

Monday, 10-01-22

Good morning!

Sometimes you just have those days, don't you, where you want comforting, carby things.  Yesterday was one of those days and I managed it without going off plan (apart from the whole nutritional balance thing) at dinner time especially.

I'm so pleased I stayed on plan.  It would have been too easy to go off on one!

Yesterday's meals:

I decided not to have an egg because there were tomatoes that needed eating up so I had more of them instead.  It was plenty.
I enjoyed the corned beef hash and, yes, there are leftovers for lunch today.

Yesterday turned out to be a very busy day, one way and another.  When I finally stopped for the day, I decided I really didn't fancy burgers at all, what I really, really wanted was a cheesy chip butty.  So I split the roll, mayo-ed both sides, added sliced cheese and piled the actifry chips on top with a nice big simple salad and the few remaining chips on the side.  It was absolutely lovely, just what my soul was crying out for and pretty much what I'd have had anyway, just minus the meat.
A yogurt finished it all off.

Today's plans:

B: toast and jam
I really enjoyed this the other day so why not?
SW:  one healthy extra B and one syn

L:  corn beef hash (leftovers) with a fried egg on top; fruit
I might also do some mushrooms to go with it.
SW:  I'm calling it two syns for the hash (the whole can of lean corned beef is five syns)

D:  cheesy chicken and bacon pasta bake, veg; yogurt
I have to use up that pasta sauce somehow and I have a bit of passata left over so I will add that to the sauce.  This will be very similar to Saturday's dinner, I suspect, but I will use pasta shapes and top it with some grated cheddar.  It will be tasty, I know.
SW:  one healthy extra A for cheese, one and a half syns for the pasta sauce and half a syn for dessert

E:  squats challenge; circuit training

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
three and a half syns

From the freezer:
pasta sauce


  1. Well done for staying on plan. I've had far too many carby comfort days recently, it's not doing me any good at all. xx

    1. Too many is definitely not helpful, I agree. That cheesy chip roll was gorgeous though!

  2. Sometimes you just have to have what your body yearns for. I bet it was blimmin lovely too. x

    1. Oh, it was, Cherie, it was gorgeous. I was dreadfully hungry early this morning though!
