

Saturday, 25 June 2022

Saturday, 25-06-22

Good morning, everyone.

I maintained at SW this week.  After Thursday evening little 'crash', I reckon I got away lightly.  I could kick myself now but that's easily said, isn't it?
I seem to be getting nowhere really rather fast.  Not making excuses but they do say that after a 'certain' age, it gets harder and harder to lose weight and I'm finding that is true, even living a pretty active life.

After the above, there's more than a hint of - is irony the right word? - when I say that I really enjoyed the cake yesterday - and a few sandwiches and crisps that Faith had so thoughtfully provided.  However, I stuck to the not-Pimms and everyone raved over it so it's not just me that thinks it is really good.  Between that and the Smidgin, I am well set up for early evening tipples that aren't really tipples at all!

Going back to the first paragraph, I've decided to monitor my intake this week by planning as for Slimming World, using that structure (because it works for me) but just checking things with some calorie counting.  I find calorie counting boring and a right nuisance, having to weigh absolutely everything, but there's no doubt it does shine a light on any excesses and I just need to check that the meals I think are so healthy really are OK.
(I won't be boring you all with the numbers, this is just for me)

Yesterday's meals:

Breakfast was a two egg ham and mushroom omelette with one tomato on the side.  Lovely!

No photos of the Cake-Fest.  It would have felt very rude with so much chatter and so many people to whisk out my camera or phone - so I didn't.
By the time I got home, I was shattered, so made the simplest (and not particularly healthy without speed) dinner.

I had defrosted a chicken sizzle and I seasoned it and spray griddled it (inside - it was a bit dull and cloudy outside by then) before popping it in a wholemeal roll (healthy extra B plus a bit) with some home made green tomato chutney.
Not great really but it satisfied and today is proper Slimming World again.

Today's plans:

B:  fruit, yogurt
I'm going for a walk starting at ten thirty, which cuts right into my breakfast time so I will have something (an apple, maybe) before I leave and take a banana with me to have when we stop for coffee.  If I'm hungry when I get home, I can have a yogurt.
I think that's the best I can do.
SW:  Speed, free and half a syn

L:  cheese and ham toastie, salad; strawberries, raspberries and blueberries
Just what it says on the label!
SW:  one healthy extra A for cheese, one healthy extra B for bread, one and a half syns for chutney and the rest will be protein, speed and free.

D:  aubergine, potato and goat's cheese gratin, maybe a salad; yogurt
The main problem (not really a problem to me) is that soft goat's cheese doesn't count as a healthy extra A (hard goat's cheese does) but I am going to pretend that it does.  Shhhh - don't tell Jen, OK?
The only other thing is that I will rely on spray oil and hope for the best.  I gather that brining isn't necessary from the bitterness point of view nowadays but it does firm up the aubergine so it doesn't want to absorb so much oil.  I'll think about that!
SW:  one healthy extra A for the goat's cheese < cough > , three syns for 25g olives and half a syn for the yogurt.  The rest is speed and free.

a walk

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
five and a half syns


  1. I shall look forward to your verdict on the aubergine/goats cheese bake tomorrow! xx

    1. I'm very much looking forward to it so fingers crossed. xx

  2. A maintain is ok - just disappointing when one wants to LOSE!! I had such a weird dream last night. I was at a new to me SW group and couldn't get my very tight, pink top off. I started asking people in the weigh in queue to help and no-one could do it. Got to the front of the queue and I didn't have my card! Then couldn't find my bag!! More of a nightmare, really! Have a good week. xx

    1. Oh, my goodness, what a dream. One wakes up feeling unrefreshed. I wonder what was underneath that very tight pink top!! :-)
      Thanks - yes, it is OK, just . . . well, as you say, disappointing.
      Oh, well, moving on.
