

Friday, 20 January 2023

Friday, 20-01-23: low spend/no spend January

Good morning, everyone.

It is Friday, weigh in day.  It's been a good week but you can never tell how it is going to go.  We will see . . .

Today is an easy day as far as food is concerned.  Unexpected leftovers for lunch and more leftovers, this time from the freezer, for dinner.  I know I am going on about it rather but it's so nice to have a clear view of what's available in the freezer and where it is.  Extremely helpful too - if my meal-planning-mind goes blank, I can just look at the list and see what jumps out at me!

Yesterday's meals:
For breakfast, I had a banana before SET class and an apple and an easy peeler afterwards.  No photo.

At Val's I had ham and veg soup with a cheesy scone and finished off with a flapjack.  A bit naughty but very delicious and all home made.  Again, no photo.

The ocean pie took a while and was quite heavy on pans but it really was tasty and I have half of it left for lunch today.
No room for dessert so that was it for the day.

Today's plans:

B:  fruit and yogurt
Because - why not.  It seems to be working well for me
SW:  syn free

L:  ocean pie, tomatoes and mushrooms; fruit
This is the leftovers from last night and I'm really looking forward to it.
SW:  one healthy extra A

D:  Mexican pork one pot, salad; yogurt
This is a second portion (might even be a third portion) of a Simply Cook kit and I remember it was very delicious before. 
SW:  three syns for the one pot and I will add 30g grated cheddar for my other healthy extra A.  The yogurt is half a syn

E:  a Shimmy Snippet and a walk

two healthy extra As
no healthy extra Bs
three and a half syns

What is low spend, no spend?

All I will buy through January is essentials - and by that I mean food such as fresh fruit, veg and dairy/eggs.  All other foods will come out of my existing supplies and, to be honest, that may not be much of a challenge.  Also included in any low spend essentials are cleaning products and toiletries although I think I am fine for the latter.  
Also anything else essential that I won't think of until it lands!
That is the low spend part.

Everything else, unless it is either a regular bill/payment/commitment, will not happen.  No sneaky little Amazon purchases, no 'bargains' from the supermarket, certainly no clothes . . .
That's the no spend part.

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