

Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Tuesday, 24-01-23: low spend/no spend January

Morning, everyone!

Yesterday's meals:

Fruit salad and yogurt for breakfast - all fresh fruit yesterday

Leftovers of the lemon salmon pasta and the other is tomatoes, mushrooms and red pepper, spray fried.  Delicious.

Then I had a couple of easy peelers

The sticky beef stir fry was good.  Not all that sticky (not enough sugar) but tasty.  The sauce was a tbsp each of agave nectar, soy sauce and lime juice with garlic, ginger and chilli flakes added.
I decided to spend four syns on some toasted sesame oil instead of spray oil.  Seeing as I didn't have any healthy extras, it won't damage the calorie bank, nor did it take me above syns.

The only let down was the beef strips (from Iceland).  They were tough and chewy and I won't use them for stir fry again.  They won't be wasted - I will use them for a slow cooked beef casserole and they should be very nice for that.  I might get that done in the next few days, in fact.

For once, I had some yogurt afterwards.
Today's plans

B:  boiled eggs and toast dippers, banana
I do love boiled eggs, even though getting the eggs absolutely right is very chancy.  I will do my usual spray toast for extra crunch.  Lovely!
The banana is for before Groove.
SW:  one healthy extra B

L:  chicken and veg risotto, side salad; fruit
The risotto is from the freezer so could be rather 'solid' but should taste fine.  I might add some cheese to it for more yumminess.
SW:  half a healthy extra A for the cheese in the risotto and perhaps another A for 15g grated cheese on top

D:  peanut butter chicken pasta, small side salad; yogurt
This is a recipe from the now SW recipe book that I will get free when I get a six week countdown on Friday.  In the meanwhile, someone posted this on her vlog so I took a screen shot.  Obviously, it asks for peanut butter which I don't have (far too dangerous and tempting) but I do have some peanut butter powder which I can use instead.
SW:  one and a half syns for the amount of powder I will be using and half a syn for the yogurt

Ex:  Groove class and a Snippet today

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
two and a half syns

What is low spend, no spend?

All I will buy through January is essentials - and by that I mean food such as fresh fruit, veg and dairy/eggs.  All other foods will come out of my existing supplies and, to be honest, that may not be much of a challenge.  Also included in any low spend essentials are cleaning products and toiletries although I think I am fine for the latter.  
Also anything else essential that I won't think of until it lands!
That is the low spend part.

Everything else, unless it is either a regular bill/payment/commitment, will not happen.  No sneaky little Amazon purchases, no 'bargains' from the supermarket, certainly no clothes . . .
That's the no spend part.

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