

Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Wednesday, 23-08-23

 Good morning, everyone.

Oh, dear, I am feeling so bunged up and bloated right now.  Since Sunday, I've been taking pain killers for my back pain and they do have an effect apart from the desired one.
Co-codamol is the worst for bunging you up, I think.  
Friday's weigh in is not going to be great but at least I will know why.

As I am feeling very bloated and also because I hope to be well enough to pop round to Julia's for our Girls' Meal together this evening, postponed from about twelve days ago, I'm going very minimalist today.

Yesterday's meal photos:

There is mashed (or 'smashed' is the buzz word, I believe) avocado as well as egg in that bagel and I find it is much easier to eat if you break the yolk in the pan.
Still loving a home made bagel and I've found an English muffin recipe or two to have a go at.
Not so sloppy lasagne for lunch.  Maybe I had more 'slop' yesterday!
Anyway, it was very tasty.

During the afternoon, I had an apple and an orange.
Basically, hunter's chicken.  No added speed because the sauce was all speed and I added inion, pepper and mushroom as well.
It was enough - filling but not too much.

And that was that.

Today's plans:

B:  fruit and yogurt
SW:  should be syn free

L:  something on toast; fruit
Possibly cheese on toast, maybe some beans.  I'll see how I feel.  I have grandson with me so I'll ask him what he fancies
SW:  maybe one healthy extra A, definitely a healthy extra B

D:  chip shop fish and chips
Before I hear your sharp intakes of breath, I find that I really cannot get through very much of this sort of thing nowadays so most of it will probably come home for Alex.
SW:  unknown

Exercise:  None this week - poor old back!  I'm missing it very much though.

As and syns unknown
one healthy extra B

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