

Tuesday, 21 May 2024

Tuesday, 21-05-24

Good evening, everyone.  
It all seems to be going well this week although speaking very warily because I said the same last week and then maintained.  That's OK but I'm still about half a stone or so above my target range.  It's not a bad place to be, the clothes all fit and I don't feel any more chubby than usual but it's just a bit - annoying, if that's the right word.

Thinking back can help sometimes and I've realised that every time I've got to this point, things have plateaued and I've just had to push on through until things get moving again.
I guess it's the same this time.

I had more than half a can of chopped tomatoes so I popped that in Thermione with some soup base mix and one of my portions of turkey stock and now I have a nice and very low calorie/syn free bowl of tomato soup that I will enjoy at some point soon.  I'd rather not freeze it but I can, if necessary.

What I have eaten today:

Before walking down to Groove, I had an apple and two plums.

Cooked breakfast.  Nothing unusual and jolly nice.

Syn free.
The turkey is all finished now, stuffed into a toastie.  I mushed it down a bit and mixed in the chutney instead of spreading it on the bread which made for a nice flavour.
Dessert was an apple.

Two healthy extra As, one healthy extra B, one and a half syns for chutney and one syn for salad cream.

Later on I had an orange.

Dinner was the last of the chicken and pancetta tortellini that I bought at Center Parcs and froze three portions.  I just added a bit of green to the bowl.  No dessert - it didn't look loads but it was plenty and I was full up.

Six syns - that includes the pasta itself, the sauce (from a posh jar) and a bit of cheese that you can't see because it's all melted in now.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
eight and a half syns

Tomorrow's meal outline

B:  rice pudding, fruit and yogurt

L:  guacamole bagel, egg, side salad; fruit

D:  cottage pie, veg; fruit

Exercise:  circuits (postponed from Monday) and personal training

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