

Sunday, 16 June 2024

Sunday morning, 16-06-04

Morning, everyone - because it is Sunday morning as I was really weary yesterday evening.

What I ate today yesterday:
Breakfast was taken out at the local Tiptree coffee place and, while my walking friends had breakfast rolls or toasted tea cakes, I polished my halo with an apple and two easy peelers brought from home - and they were delicious with the very good coffee they serve.

I used some of the leftover Med veg from the first Slimming World Kitchen meal, added some feta and turned it into a sort of wrap to have with a simple salad.  It worked well.
Two healthy extra As and one B.

 Dinner was the second SWK meal, the Indian themed golden aloo gobi traybake with chickpeas.

This one was absolutely LOADED with vegetables.  an onion, a whole cucumber, about ten new potatoes (no rice though), tomatoes and a bag of baby spinach plus curry powder, fresh mint, stock, cinnamon, tomato puree, lemon . . .

It made loads, as one would expect, looking at the pile of veg - I had a quarter of it with some of the mint, lemon and yogurt dressing and the rest is in three freezer containers.
And it was nice.  I'm not fond of spinach and normally would either use less or use broccoli instead but I wanted to give it a go.
I think the leftovers will be nice making another main meal with some added chicken or mashed into a sort of quesadilla (how about that for fusion food, eh?) but for now it is all going into the freezer as I have other plans.
Syn free.

The syns shot right up come the evening as I had a fancy magnum.  And very nie it was too.  

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
twelve and a half syns
Tomorrow's Today's plans:

B:  sweet eggy bread with strawberries and yogurt

L: pork steak, fried potato, Med veg; fruit

D:  cheg salad; fruit

Exercise:  rest day

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