

Sunday, 10 November 2024

Saturday evening, 09-11-24 and strategy 6: Party on . . . also Eat-Your-Syns-Day

Good evening, everyone!   Late again but, please, pretend it is Saturday evening as you read this.  

What I ate today

I ended up not picking up a camera all day so, really sorry, no photos.  Back to normal for Sunday.

Breakfast was an apple and a couple of easy peelers, enjoyed when we stopped for coffee half way round on our walk.  Syn free.
Lunch was a portion of the chicken and soup mix soup with toast and I added some marmite and cheese spread too.  Very tasty.  One A and one B
Dinner was pasta bake leftovers with a salad.  Delish.  One A and four syns for evoo one way and another.

Big apologies for no photos. . .
My meal plans for tomorrow:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L: scrambled egg, mushrooms and tomatoes; fruit
I'm not completely fasting because I will only eat more later on if I do.  This should be low calorie and high in nutrition.

D:  afternoon tea.
One of the challenges today - it's a family celebration and a friend is making and delivering an afternoon tea for three - me, Beth and Alex.
It will be Eat-Your-Syns-Sunday and I will be having those extra syns I am 'entitled' to a few times per week as a target member - although there's no way I am going to be able to count the syns, I just need to be 'sensible' and thank my lucky stars I can't eat as much as I used to be able to eat.
And remember the cholesterol!

Exercise: er - what's exercise?  Seriously, I might catch a Lindsey video between breakfast and lunch.

The Extra Bit

The sixth strategy in SW's article on having a magical Christmas is . . .

Party on!

No, it isn't encouraging us to go to more parties, it is all about being aware that you can be encouraged to sit down quite a lot - opening pressies, watching telly, longer than usual meals . . .

It encourages us to build in active games like charades, things that get us on out feet.

I think this is a great strategy and would take it a bit further because I think it is all too easy to neglect the usual, the regular opportunities for exercise - the fitness classes, the long walks (it's faster to drive) - and so on.

For me, this is saying keep busy, keep active, only cancel the classes you HAVE to cancel because you're otherwise engaged, keep looking for opportunities to stay active.
And no, I don't mean walking, not driving, to Morrisons to get another box of mince pies.  😄

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