

Thursday, 14 November 2024

Thursday morning, 14-11-24

Morning, everyone!
Apologies for last night's non appearance - another very weary evening, one way and another!

What I ate yesterday:

A nice selection of fruit for breakfast but I think I need to include the seeds and yogurt as fruit on its own doesn't keep me satisfied for as long.
Syn free

Broccoli and butterbean soup with slow toasted bread for lunch.  Again, nice, but it didn't keep me going for as long as needed even with fruit for afters

One healthy extra B

Dinner did not go well and, pondering on why, I think there were two reasons.

1.  I was very, very tired.  There's not a lot I can do about that really.
2.  Breakfast and lunch were just too light, low in grains and protein and, although I was satisfied straight afterwards, it didn't last.  I need to plan a bit more carefully and remember that too low always rebounds.

Lesson learned.

Today's plans.

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  I prepped dinner last night but didn't cook it so I'm having it for lunch.  Bubble and squeak parrt with broccoli, sprouts and that creamy sauce.

D:  cheese and onion toastie, big salad, bulgur wheat.

Exercise:  SET online and lots of housework.


  1. Hi Joy, your body needs at least 30g of protein at each meal xx

    1. That's too much protein for me at my height and weight but I certainly didn't have enough protein through the day, for sure. xx

    2. The British Heart Foundation says:
      Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is 45g, or 55g for men). That’s about two portions of meat, fish, nuts or tofu per day. As a guide, a protein portion should fit into the palm of your hand.

    3. Not always .....medical issues affect the average figures. But in general it's true to say that a great many people don't eat enough protein
