

Sunday, 26 January 2025

Sunday, 26-01-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly the Mediterranean way of eating.

What I ate today:

This made a nice change for breakfast.  Two eggs, one broken up chipolata sausage, three sliced mushrooms, some scrambled egg seasoning, a dollop of yogurt, seasonings and some seeds for the omelette and some salad stuff on the side.
Two syns for the sausage and one for the seeds, three in total.

 The next frozen ready meal from Cook's, Moroccan lamb tagine, and it's another positive review from me.  Delicious sauce, loads of lean and tender lamb pieces, chickpeas that were soft but not mushy - I really enjoyed it.
I added some bulgur wheat to the tagine and had the salad in a separate bowl which worked well.
I don't know the syns but the calories were 307, give or take 20 or so, so really not high.  The rest was all syn free.
I had an orange for afters.

Cheese on toast for dinner.  There's chutney under the cheese and tomato.  I didn't burn the toast, it was pumpernickel!
One healthy extra A, one healthy extra B, one syn for chutney and one for salad cream.
Afters was an apple.

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
five syns plus whatever the tagine was - which won't be much.

Tomorrow's plans:  a bit different because I am out from mid afternoon to late at night so I'm doing a two meal day plus fruit to keep me going.

Brunch:  soup, mushroom omelette

Packed meal:  cheese and chutney sandwich, side salad, two hi fi bars, fruit

Exercise:  circuits

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