

Saturday, 8 February 2025

Friday, 07-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

I jumped (stepped!) on those scales at group and it was three pounds off.  So pleased with that.  Not so pleased that I had to pay, having had my week of grace, but it is what it is!  My fault.  😄

Another cheering thing - I'm seeing some gaps in the freezer.  I know gaps are not necessarily ideal or economical in terms of electricity, etc, but I had so much in it at the start of the year and wanted to save some cash by using it up a lot more.  
Also, ideally, I could do with a much smaller freezer anyway.  The money I'm saving by using stuff up can maybe go towards this in due course.

And - note to self - get lamb out of the freezer for Sunday . . .
What I ate today:

I took fruit salad, vanilla yogurt and mixed seeds to our taster session and it was enjoyed by all - there was a very little fruit left, a bit of yogurt and some seeds (which have now gone back in the jar).
I had some more (the photo) when I got home, plus some weetabix loaf which Pam always brings.   I asked her and she had worked out that each slice was two syns so I had two at group and two at home (she gave me some), so that's eight syns plus two syns for seeds.
I am definitely going over syns today - never mind!

It was cold and dark and damp and I was feeling cold and 'hungry'.  I know myself well enough to realise that I wasn't actually proper hungry so I turned up the heating and changed my salad to some spray fried veg - onion, pepper, tomatoes and mushrooms with some garlic, a pinch of chilli flakes, salt and pepper.  With the toastie, it was really filling, warming and satisfying and sorted out the 'hunger' without falling into the junk food trap (not that I have any but Morrisons is only round the corner).
One and a half healthy extra As, one healthy extra B and one and a half syns for chutney.

Later on, I had some strawberries that I didn't put in the fruit salad.

I wasn't feeling 100% comfortable about going over my syns for today so I had a look at what I had in the freezer and went for another Cook's meal, lemon and herb chicken, three and a half syns rather than seven and a half. 
Unfortunately, it's the first of their meals I really didn't like.  I was expecting a strong lemon flavour (I love lemon) and a little bit of herb but got all herb and couldn't detect any lemon at all.  For me, not nice.  I ate the chickpeas and chicken but threw away the rice.  I hate waste but I found this unpleasant.
Can't win 'em all!

one and a half healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
fifteen syns - right at the top but most of it was heart and gut healthy stuff - seeds, dried fruit, etc.

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, eaten during a walk . . . assuming the walk happens.  If not, the usual.

L:  Welsh rarebit and salad; fruit

D:  corned beef hash, done my way, salad or veg; fruit

Exercise:  a walk, hopefully.

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