

Saturday, 1 February 2025

Saturday, 01-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

I went to pick up my Cook's order and, when I got it home, I found they had got it a bit wrong.  I went back and it was no trouble, they added the missing item without a quibble and, as an apology, handed me a box of two lemon cheese cakes.  Very nice of them except when I checked the syns I was 'eeeeek'!
Fourteen syns.

Not to worry, they're out of sight in the freezer and maybe I can have one to celebrate getting back into target zone when that happy day arrives.
What I ate today:

It was a busy morning so I just had this very quick and simple breakfast.  
Part of a B for mixed seeds.

When I went shopping, I bought some cooked chicken and made a simple chicken salad to go with the soup.  Very nice and pretty filling too - I was having a hungry day today and that bit of extra protein really helped.
Another part of a B for the seeds and two syns for the salad dressing.  The soup was one syn for some sundried tomato I added in before blending.

For dinner, I chose to sample one of the ready meals, jerk chicken with pineapple salsa and I added some salad on the side because I made plenty earlier.
The jerk chicken, etc, was three and a half syns - that's really not bad at all, is it?  - and it was delicious.  It's a lunch bowl size but, for me, plenty for a full meal with a good salad on the side.  It was spicy but not uncomfortably hot, there was plenty of shredded chicken, a good amount of pineapple, peas, beautifully cooked rice - for my taste if just needed a bit of salt, that's all.  I really enjoyed it.

So three and a half syns for the meal, half a syn for a commercial dressing.  Also I added more mixed seeds to the salad and, as I haven't had any bread, etc, today, I am calling all the seeds a healthy extra B rather than syns.

no healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
seven syns
Tomorrow's plans:

B:  smoked fish with a poached egg, tomatoes and  mushrooms

L:  roast chicken dinner; fruit

D:  cheesy chicken toastie, salad; fruit

Exercise:  rest day


  1. I'm not sure that this will help you as you are following the SW plan, but when I went to see Tim Spector during the week he said that the current drive to eat more protein isn't good for our bodies. Any excess protein we consume will either be passed in our urine or retained by the body as fat. xx

    1. I totally agree with him and you too. I had the chicken for filling power rather than extra protein (and it worked). I reckon my usual diet includes plenty of protein without fussing about extra powders, meat overload, and so on.
      I'm also very cynical about the 'high protein' or 'With added protein' labels on some foods. People pay extra for these and really they don't need them at all - it is a marketing ploy to draw people in and they are often ultra processed to boot! A normal, sensibly balanced diet with plenty of plant based natural or minimally processed foods provides everything needed.
      However, I accept that people have different views and I respect this. For me though - no thanks.

      How fantastic to be able to listen to Tim Spector in person. He talks so much sense to my mind. xx

    2. It was a good evening. You'll like his new cookbook! xx

    3. < ears pricking up > Cookbook? Ooooh . . . xx

    4. I was very interested in the comments regarding protein. Concerned that I was probably not eating anything like enough, (I never manage Slimming Worlds 2xHexA) and eat a 90% vegetarian diet, I decided to monitor my protein intake take for a week.
      I’ve just finished and it seems that on 5 days out of the past 7, I have had around 60g. On the other days it’s been less than 40. It’s something I need to address.

    5. This is what the British Heart Foundation says regarding daily protein.
      "Most adults need around 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is 45g, or 55g for men). That's about two portions of meat, fish, nuts or tofu per day. As a guide, a protein portion should fit into the palm of your hand".
      So, converting my weight into kilos (giving it away a bit here here but never mind) and working out 3/4, I should be taking 48g a day.
      By the time you consider that so many foods contain little bits of protein (some more than others, obv), it is not something I worry about. I'm far more concerned with eating gut healthy/friendly stuff and heart healthy oils, etc. I sometimes have a bit of protein extra for its filling power but now I am eating more seeds, pulses, etc, I usually find I want to eat rather than actually feeling hungry.
      (Not that I work any of it out too religiously)
      So - taking the formula above and applying it to your intake, personally I would say you are overall fine or over-fine on average.
      Apologies for the essay!

      * Mind you, being a bit dyscalculic, while my understanding of the how and why is OK at this level, the actual working out might be a bit iffy. Best to check your own. :-)

    6. It wasn’t until I started looking it up that I realised just how many foods contain a bit of protein and how it all adds up!

    7. It's quite a surprise, isn't it? And it makes complete protein if you have a really varied and balanced diet. Just what I like. xx

  2. Joy, you have mentioned chia jam in the past. Would you please share the recipe.
    I quite often mash some frozen raspberries to top a piece of toast. Is it as simple as adding chia seeds to that? Thanks

    1. That works fine. Generally, the fruit needs to break down a bit to release juice but thawed frozen raspberries are generally nice and juicy anyway.
      Personally, I would warm them up as I mash them to get that juice running and add the chia seeds when it is warm, then pop it into the fridge to cool (not when it is too hot, mind). I add a bit of sweetener too.
      The seeds then absorb the juice and thicken to a spready consistency.
      I wouldn't recommend eating chia seeds before they have soaked. The results can be somewhat explosive in nature!!

      Ought to say, generally I don't syn cooked fruit, just anything added to it as necessary. So I would syn honey, for example, and the chia seeds (one syn per tsp or two tbsp for a B)

  3. Thanks for that.
    Yes I do warm the frozen fruit so that it mashed easily. I don’t syn it as I use very little of it anyway

    1. Quite so.
      Once you have made the 'jam' it doesn't keep all that long, especially if you haven't used sugar. xx
