

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Tuesday, 11-02-25 and my burger/meatball recipe

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

I thought I would post my burger/meatball recipe again because it really is very nice.

You need:
100g low fat beef mince
one rosemary and red onion sausage (Linda McCartney does them but so does Aldi and they are MUCH cheaper!) - SW free
half a small onion, finely chopped, sprayed and microwaved for about two minutes, stirring once in the middle and left to cool a bit
20g cheese, finely grated.  I use hard Italian cheese - 4 syns or 2/3 healthy extra A
seasonings to taste.  I tend to use a pinch mixed Italian herbs, a pinch garlic granules and a pinch chilli flakes plus some black pepper and a very little salt (the sausage and the cheese are both salted already)

This amount makes two burgers or one burger and five meatballs - two meals for pone anyway.

I put everything in a bowl and smerge it all together with my hands (or use a fork) until is is well mixed and combined.
Using wet hands, I shape as wanted before cooking however suits you.  I tend to use a f rying pan for a burger but my air fryer for meatballs.

It really does make a nice end result - the cheese and sausage add flavour but also stop the inside from tasting too dry.
Two syns or a third of a healthy A per portion.

Not the best photo in the world but, as they say, serving suggestion - a burger toastie with added onion and cheese.  Tasty!

And . . . two days down and still sticking to plan.  Yay, go me!!

(They're starting to flower round here so why not?  :-)  )

What I ate today:

Not the prettiest sight in the world because I almost forgot to photo but it was really very tasty.  The fruit was pear, kiwi and banana and I added chia seeds and white choc skinny syrup to the yogurt.  Not a lot of UPF really!
One syn for the tsp chia seeds.

I had planned beans on toast but remembered I had some corned beef that needed finishing off so I had beans and beef instead.  I really do like corned beef and don't have it all that often.  It was warming and filling, especially with an apple and an orange afterwards
Two and a half syns for the corned beef.

Later on, it was bleak and cold and I felt really chilly inside so I used my healthy extra B on some toast and marmite and it warmed me up no end.
One healthy extra B.
 On to the Christmas leftovers pasta bake for dinner with a salad on the side.
The pasta bake was two As (I added more cheese) and three syns (for evoo and chestnuts) while the salad cream was one syn and is was comforting and filling and delicious.
I have one more Christmas pasta bake in the freezer now.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
seven and a half syns

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, seeds and yogurt

L:  beany omelette wrap (using up leftover baked beans), maybe a side salad o maybe tomatoes and  mushrooms; fruit

D:  hoisin chicken noodles (a Cook's ready meal), maybe salad; fruit

Exercise:  I have two classes.  Circuits, moved from Monday, and personal training.  It'll be good for me.  


  1. The burger recipe sounds great. Didnt know Aldi had a version of them sausages. It has been bleak here too 😏 Love the sound of the hoisin noodles for tomorrow 😋

    1. Thanks.
      Yes, they do. Last time I bought any they were great value but I got a couple of bags so it was a while ago and they might have gone up in price.
      The noodles are a ready meal from Cook's. Never had it before so fingers crossed. xx

  2. Joy it is always such a pleasure to read you blogs and your meals are always outstanding too! I am blessed to hear your real voice in my head as I read too! My dear friend talking to me. Big hugsxx sweet lady ♥️ Roe

    1. It's funny you should say that because the same happens to me when I read Facebook messages from any of you in our chats - you, Kelsey, Stephanie - all the others too. I read them with your voices in my head. It's nice, isn't it?
      Thanks for the very kind words about this blog! I really appreciate them. xx
