

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Wednesday, 05-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

I was so chuffed this morning.  I'm being a bit naughty about getting on those scales in between weigh ins but I am and I was back into single digit stones.  Woo hoo.  Not target range yet but getting there.  It's really cheered me up.
What I ate today:

Breakfast.  The rest of the plums from yesterday plus a chopped apple and yogurt.  No seeds so syn free.
A big old salad for lunch, packed with good stuff.
No fruit afterwards - I was full up.
One healthy extra A, one healthy extra B, one syn for seeds, half a syn for rubbish dressing, two syns for good dressing, one and a half syns for olives.

Six syns for the whole meal.

Teriyaki salmon noodles for five syns.  Good old Cook's.
I had a small apple to finish, just before my eating window closed.

one healthy extra A
one healthy extra B
eleven syns

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, seeds and yogurt

L:  broccoli and butterbean soup, croutons, seeds; fruit

D:  hunter's chicken (h m), salad or veg; fruit

Exercise:  SET online


  1. Well done on your weight loss so far - you're well on the way! xx

    1. Thanks, Sooze. I really feel I am now. A great relief. xx
