

Friday, 14 May 2021

Friday, 14-05-21

 Good morning.
Sorry this is late; I've not been well.

What I ate yesterday:
I've done a collage thing of yesterday's meals.

For breakfast, I had the tomatoes on the omelette rather than at the side and I'll do it that way again; it was nice.

The burger made with the higher % fat was lovely so that is definitely the way to go, just with burgers, not for anything else.  A shame I slightly scorched the roll in the toaster.  :-)

Dinner was Alex's birthday meal and I had forgotten that Beth said she'd bring doughnuts.
Yes, I had - er - some!

Today's plans:
If it was the doughnuts that upset my tum, it was a case of serves me right!  However, I am making up for it because I've had no breakfast and won't be having any lunch.

D:  hunter's chicken, a very few chips, maybe salad; yogurt
There's a couple of portions of hunter's chicken.  One is in the freezer and I'm having the rest tonight, all being well.  There were also a few chips left which should warm up nicely in the oven

No body magic as I've cancelled PT, of course and no summary.  Today's a bit of a write-off really.

However, I do have some good planning in place for next week so that's good.


  1. I hope you're feeling better Joy. You haven't had your second jab recently have you?

    1. Yes, Wednesday. Beth said it could have been that or a mixture of covid and donuts!
      I've picked up through the day, thanks, and should be 100% tomorrow.
