

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Saturday, 15-05021

 Good morning, everyone.
Yesterday was a bit of a dead loss in food terms.  I ended up not eating until about four when I had a pear and I had a proper dinner of hunter's chicken and chips (actifired so not greasy).  No photo, sorry.  It was just one of those days.

Today's plans are a little bit up in the air.
I'll probably have something eggy/toasty for breakfast as I have one egg left and follow it up with yogurt and fruit.
Lunch I have no idea about until I've sorted out the fridge.
Dinner is definitely steak, chips and salad, followed by yogurt as usual.
Body Magic will be covered by walking to and from the car and an evening walk by the sea front.

I'll be back tomorrow with proper plans again.


  1. Hopefully the weather will be a bit better and you can enjoy your evening stroll. It's turned a lot cooler just as I planted out cucamelons and chillies. Thankfully it doesn't seem to have affected them.

    1. It's cooler but it's not cold really. I'm sure the plants will be OK, just maybe not as fast growing to start with.
      It's pelting down right now but I'm hoping it will have eased off by the time I set out.
