

Monday, 17 February 2025

Monday, 17-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

Thank you to my lovely Slim Win family for a very helpful and supportive chat this evening.  💕

What I ate today:

Fruit and yogurt for breakfast and there's chia seeds in the yogurt.
One syn for chia seeds
Lunch was broccoli and butterbean soup (from the freezer) and it was just lovely.  I added a bit of milk to slacken it off.
A bit of an A for the milk and one B for the croutons.
I know it looks a bit colourless but dinner was delish.
I softened onion in half a tbsp evoo, added mushroom and baby corn and softened that, then added half a chicken breast fillet, sliced.  I let it all sweat down before adding a bit of garlic puree and a bit of chicken stock.
While this was going on, I cooked some wholewheat fusilli.
Right at the end, I added some Philly light to the chicken mix and when that was all melted and bubbly, I mixed in the drained pasta.  And that was that.  Very filling and satisfying - and plenty of speed hidden under the sauce! 
Three syns for the evoo.  Philly used to count as an A but it doesn't now.  However, I am going to call it the rest of my A choice - it's swings and roundabouts really!!

So -
two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
four syns

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  The usual - fruit, seeds and yogurt

L:   avocado bagel with egg, side salad; fruit

D:  pork rarebit, veg; fruit

Exercise:  Groove and the walk there and back again


  1. Another lovely day of meals for you Joy! Yum! Xx

    1. Thanks, Roe. I'm really very happy with how things are going now. xx

  2. I love what you have planned for tomorrow

    1. Thank you. Planning is half the fun, I find. :-) xx
