

Saturday, 15 February 2025

Saturday, 15-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

What I ate today:
I totally changed my breakfast plans.  I had an apple, set out for the walk but there were only two of us and it was so bitterly cold, we decided to go for a coffee instead.  When I got home, I was still really cold and knew that just more fruit wasn't going to wing it so . . .

. . . I had this.
One healthy extra B for the toast and one syn for a triangle of super light spready cheese.  Everything else was free or speed.
It warmed me up inside.
I was so looking forward to this lunch and it did not disappoint.
Three syns for flour in the pancake, one syn for chia seeds (in the pancakes) and two syns for a tbsp maple syrup.

Later on I had a couple of easy peelers and two As worth of cheddar - quite a lot and I did enjoy it!
So that sweet based lunch, nice as it was, didn't do the job of keeping me going until dinner time, did it?
Oh, well.

Here's dinner.  The peri peri chicken with fries and slaw.  I changed some of it, of course - wouldn't be me if I didn't.  For a start, I didn't add onion to the slaw, I used red and white cabbage, grated carrot and sliced apple and I added salad cream for one syn.
The recipe also said serve broccoli and a corn on the cob but, crumbs, I was more than satisfied without any extra veg.  The chicken looked HUGE but it was only half a chicken breast fillet, hammered out thin.

two healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
eight syns.  
Really good for such a satisfying day's food.  However, it wasn't all that Mediterranean - I need to make some better choices

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  roast lamb dinner; fruit salad
The lamb is leftovers from last week, not a new roast.  

D:  sausage and bean casserole with garlic bread to dunk
I had leftover tomato sauce and saw this somewhere - it looked so nice that I have made my own version.  Of course, I will then have beans to use up but that's OK - it's rather nice, having the leftovers dictating what to have next.
 I plan to rub a clove of garlic over some of my bread and then spray-fry it.  Fingers crossed it works as garlic bread.

Exercise:  rest day


  1. The pancakes and fruit look amazing! I have had a craving for raspberries this week - it’s a good job that frozen ones are to my liking or I’d be bankrupt! I love them on porridge with some added seeds, and also mixed with whatever else I have and served warm with a dollop of fat free Greek Yogurt.
    Nowadays I find I can no longer tolerate high carb meals as they seem to make me feel so sluggish and almost dopey!
    Yesterday I had a major blip and did something I pretty much never do: I joined the visiting grandchildren in eating pizza and French fries. After they’d left I went to bed for two hours utterly washed out. Lesson learned (again) although on the bright side I had the best sleep I’ve had in weeks!

    1. Aw - I guess now and again isn't going to do any long term damage but I agree that those super-carby meals really flatten one afterwards. The raspberries are surprisingly delicious at the moment, as are blueberries. Expensive though. xx
