Sunday, 23 February 2025

Sunday, 23-02-25

Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet, particularly using the Mediterranean way of eating.

What I ate today:

I really wasn't at all hungry this morning so I decided to sort of amalgamate my plans for breakfast and lunch into a sort of Sunday brunch.
So it was a whopping plateful of a two egg omelette with chia seeds, baked beans, two Heck sausage slices (half a sun each), mushrooms, tomatoes and the very last bit of the cheesy mash from Friday that didn't go on the pie.  After I look the photo, I added some Crucials brown sauce.
I was so, so full afterwards.
So - one syn for the sausage slices, one for the brown sauce, one A for the cheesy mash and I'm estimation four syns for butter, also in the mash, although I think that's probably an overestimation.

I had two more sausage slices thawed so I had them in a pitta toastie with chutney and cheddar and some finger veg on the side.
The sausage slices are OK - not amazing but not nasty either and low in unhealthy fats.  UP, of course.  I have two more slices in the freezer and I don't think I will be getting any more.
One syn for the sausage, one and a half for the chutney and the cheese was an A and three syns while the pitta was a B.
No dessert - I was full up.  To be honest, I hadn't quite recovered from the brunch!

two healthy As
one healthy B
eleven and a half syns
Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, yogurt and seeds

L:  beans (leftovers from today) on toast, tomatoes and mushrooms on the side; fruit

D:  I am trying that white bean sauce Roy posted in his vlog the other day, probably with veg and pasta.  There's plenty of protein in the sauce.

Exercise:  circuits


  1. I've seen those Heck sausage slices in our local supermarket and wondered about them (I do eat a sausage occasionally). But now I've read your review, I probably won't buy them! Thanks Joy xx

    1. They're not horrible but not amazing either. I think if I am going to eat sausage, I want it to be quality. xx
