Friday, 17 January 2025


Hi, everyone!  Welcome to my blog where I talk about my ongoing Slimming World and associated health journeys.  At present, I am working to reduce my 'bad' cholesterol through diet.

Slimming World was buzzing this morning.  Several new members, several returners and some from other groups as well as the usuals.  It was great.

I think Heidi has done a really good job of ensuring a really smooth transition from Jen to herself.

What I ate today:

Breakfast.  Some frozen (thawed!) fruit and some yogurt.  I forgot to put the chia seeds into the yogurt to soak before leaving for Slimming World so I had more mixed seeds instead.
One and a half syns
Lunch was a toasted bagel spread with smashed avocado mixed with a tomatoey sort of paste plus scrambled eggs and a salad.
Afters was an orange.
One healthy extra B, two and a half syns for avo, one syn for salad cream and half a syn for the paste.

Later on, I had some grapes.
In the evening, I had steak and chips and for the veg I gently fried onion, pepper, mushroom and tomato with garlic granules and a few chilli flakes.  Really nice.
However, I didn't have room for all the steak and some of the mixed veg so I can have it tomorrow.  I thinly sliced the steak and plan to reheat it all and serve it with some bulgur wheat or some quinoa
Two syns for some evoo - would have been four but I didn't have all of the veg.

no healthy extra As
one healthy extra B
seven and a half syns

Tomorrow's plans:

B:  fruit, seeds and yogurt as almost always

L:  cheese and chutney toastie, side salad; fruit

D:  leftovers of steak and Med veg (sort of) and I might add some olives, bulgur wheat; fruit

Exercise:  back exercises


  1. I do love cheese & chutney toasties - Brie or goats cheese with cranberry sauce being my favourite, or Stilton with sliced pear, chopped walnuts and cranberry sauce. Now I fancy that for tomorrow's lunch! xx

    1. They both sound absolutely delicious. I'm afraid my cheese is just cheddar. Still nice though. xx

    2. Stilton and walnuts….swoon, swoon! What a combination!

    3. Gorgeous, isn't it? xx
