Friday, 27 December 2024


Hi, everyone!  It is still the Christmas season chez moi and will continue to be so until Twelfth Night, so I make no apologies for the ongoing Festive vibe in here. OK?  

Late again.  Things will settle again, I promise

What I ate today:

No photos for breakfast (which turned out to be nibbles, ooops, and lunch which was salady cheesy bits and bobs round at Beth's.  Very nice too

Dinner was proper on it though and dead easy as it was all leftovers.  

I did do some nibbling though so it wasn't a great back-on-it day, sadly.  Maybe Friday will be better.

Tomorrow's plans

B:  fruit and spiced yogurt

L:  lamb salad sandwich with salad; fruit

D:  cheesy lamb pasta bake; fruit

Exercise:  Lindsey's Advent exercises.

The extra bit.
Nothing today but the latest SW magazine has a fairly good A-Z article that is quite general so I might focus on what that is saying for a few weeks.


  1. Don’t you just love leftovers? I especially like the idea of a (sort of) no-cost meal. I’ve already frozen a variety of leftovers which will provide or contribute to meals through January and I’m going to make it an ‘buy only essential foods’ month.
    With your interest in health, I’m going to recommend one of my Christmas presents to you. Michael Moseley’s book ‘Just One Thing’. I started reading it this morning after returning from a walk. I also got an exercise mat so my New Year resolutions are pretty much decided!
    I expect to weigh-in tomorrow with a gain of 3lb which is manageable.

  2. Whoops, did it again. Eloise.X
