Thursday 10 June 2021

Thursday, 10-06-21

 Well, having said I wouldn't be around, I find I am settled at Dad's for a few weeks so may as well carry on.  After eating carbs for England over the past two days, I MUST get a routine going and this will help.

So . . . good morning, everyone!

No photos of yesterday's meals (thank goodness) but here's today's plans:

B:  yogurt and fruit

L:  cold meat salad; apple

D:  steak, mushrooms and hm oven chips; yogurt
I treated myself to a nice looking steak while shopping yesterday.  Nothing like a treat for raising the spirits, is there?

Hopefully, photos tomorrow!


  1. Mmmmmm, steak and chips. Proper 'spirit lifting' meal that one is Joy. And can I say Bu*gger the diet. Spirit lifting is far more important.

    1. There's a time and a place, isn't there? :-)
